Get ready for Food Fest, ENTERTAINER style!

We’ve been thinking here at the ENTERTAINER (we know, this can be dangerous) about how we can give you even more for your money and really blow your minds.

Well, it’s taken many strong coffees and headbanging but we had our eureka moment and we proudly present to you, Food Fest, ENTERTAINER style!

What is this, we hear you ask. How does it work, you say? Don’t panic, we’ve got it all under control and all you have to do is keep reading and be amazed.

We know it can be frustrating to go out for dinner with your trusty ENTERTAINER and then only get a discount on main courses and not all the other yummy dishes you order.

We thought about it though and the ENTERTAINER is here to make your dining experiences the best of the best. Hence, Food Fest was born in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.


Starting from 10th September 2019 until 10th October 2019, there will be a huge selection of restaurants offering 2-for-1 3-course meals. These offers are valid across Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

This means you and your dining partner of choice can both order a starter, a main course and a dessert and only pay for one of you. We know…we’re just as excited as you!


If you already own the ENTERTAINER, it’s easy. The 3-course offers will appear as Monthly Offers. All you have to do is tap on the Food Fest tile on the home screen in your app or use the Monthly Offer filter and see all the participating restaurants (we have some smashing ones, so make sure to check them all out).

The exciting thing about our Food Fest offers though…is that non-ENTERTAINER members can use them. You don’t need to own a product to enjoy these awesome deals and this is how –

  • Non-members can click right HERE to unlock your Food Fest offers

  • Download the app and create a free account

  • The Food Fest Offers will be there to use. No purchase required!

To find out more, you can click HERE to learn about the Dubai offers and see the menus, and you can click HERE for Abu Dhabi offers.

Remember – If you do not own a product are signed in as a family member, you will be removed from the family account you are a part of until Food Fest is over if you activate your own offers. The offers are Monthly, so you can use them on your family account 🙂

Stay tuned, because we’ll be sharing more fun stuff to help you make the most of Food Fest, ENTERTAINER style all month long!

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