In honour of Mother’s Day, we asked five mums (including a mum-to-be) from ENTERTAINER HQ to share some of their best/funniest/loveliest experiences while being a mum. And, as you can imagine, their answers were too good not to share with you. Meet some of the mums from the ENTERTAINER!

Anastasia: The Stylish Mum-To-Be

How do you manage to stay so stylish while pregnant, and has your wardrobe/style changed at all since you found out you were expecting?

Someone once said that pain, embarrassment and humiliation of pregnancy are nature’s way of preparing you for motherhood. This philosophy is obviously shared by the people who design maternity clothes. Let’s face it – maternity clothing can be unsightly. Baggy, saggy and covered with roses is just not my thing. I’m very pleased that pregnancy didn’t really affect the way I dress or what I like to wear. Most of my dresses, shirts, tops and skirts still fit (thankfully), yet I had to add a pair of maternity jeans and skinny, ripped jeans from ASOS – the second-best discovery for me after the internet. Luckily, I didn’t have to go through the sickness nightmare either (so far so good), so I’ve just continuted at my normal pace of life.

Shoes, however, always fit, and high heels are still part of my daily outfit. Admittedly, I used pregnancy as an excuse and added a few pairs of those too… ooops. Pregnancy is just a state women go through and shouldn’t be a reason for dropping down on looking good, right? More so than ever, dressing up makes me feel better, keeps me looking presentable at work and makes everything a tad easier. 21 weeks down, 19 weeks and swollen ankles to go – woo!


Shuchita: The Super Mum

How do you stay sane while raising triplets?

Being a mother of triplets has taught me a big lesson on ‘Time Management’. I have diligently followed a fixed routine from the very first day, right from their feeding to sleeping and everything in between. A working mother has its own challenges, but a working mother of triplets has three times more! However, I consider myself fortunate for having an understanding husband, supportive colleagues and a reliable nanny who have all helped me remain focused on my personal and professional goals. As my daughters are seven, I feel now is the perfect time to enjoy their company and our household is more about outdoor games, leisure outings, cartoon shows and learning these days.

Mary: The Mum of Teenagers

Tell us a funny incident of being a mum to teenagers.

As I was rushing between activities last week due to the Global Conference, I couldn’t wait to go home and get ready for the Gala Dinner. Both my daughters volunteered to do my hair and make-up and because I did not want to disappoint them, I let them try. The result was amazing! When I asked them where they learned their new-found skills, they replied: YouTube! Then, my 9-year-old son wanted to hypnotise me, just like in his YouTube videos… (but we left that for the weekend).


Joyce: The New Mum

How has life changed since the baby was born?

Since the day that Lianne was born, everything has changed. Now, I have new routines, less time for myself(!) and a lot less sleep. My responsibilities, and priorities have changed as well. My husband & I can’t only think about ourselves, as all of our decisions have to include the baby! We now have to think ahead to the future, instead of thinking in the present! We have our first family bonding session scheduled for the end of the month – we can’t wait to go to the beach together.

Our Founder & Chairman Donna: The Boss Lady Mum

How easy/hard has it been to build an empire while looking after two children?

Starting your own business definitely isn’t easy and it certainly comes with ups and downs.  But as I always say – “If it was easy, everyone would be doing it.”

You can’t underestimate the hard work and resilience you need to build a successful business. I started the ENTERTAINER back in 2001 when I was 26 and I didn’t have a family who relied on me.  So I was able to commit all of my time, energy and passion into starting the company. I had my daughter in 2010 and my son in 2013, and having children does impact your business as you have to find equilibrium between your work and home life – a balance that makes sense for everyone.

I’m a firm believer that a happy family needs a happy mum. It’s really important to take time out for yourself. For me, I prioritise exercising as that makes me feel great. I tend to start most mornings with a 5:30am run on the beach. I find it the best way to clear my head and get ready for the day. I’m also very organised and I do plan ahead. But since no day is ever the same, I focus more on being flexible and less about sticking to a rigid schedule. Some days I might take the afternoon off to do something with the kids, but then I’ll catch up on work in the evening after they’re in bed.

Most importantly – I don’t feel guilty about being a working mum. I think it’s a great life lesson for my kids to see how hard I work and that they enjoy the life they do because of what I do. My parents instilled a fantastic work ethic in me and I hope that I pass that onto my children. I’m also fortunate enough to have a great support team around me and the children. Never underestimate the importance of a great nanny!


Happy Mother’s Day – enjoy yourselves, however you’re spending it.

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