WOW! PINGS are back again!

Ever wished you could somehow take an offer from your phone and send it to your friend? Thanks to Pings you actually can because we’re giving you 1000 Pings! Ping is an amazing feature that allows you to send offers to your friends and family from the App without them having to log in to your account.

All ENTERTAINER family members may send and receive Pings using their registered ENTERTAINER email address. Don’t forget though, Pings work on an account level (i.e. if the Primary Member owns one product, all family members will only have access to 10 Pings).

What’s the low down?

You can now send and receive 1000 Pings. When your Pings run out, you can buy as many back as you want with your Smiles. You earn Smiles when you redeem so the more you redeem, the more you earn, which means even more. Think about how much happier everyone will be!

Here’s how you do it:

Find the offer you want to send and click on the paper aeroplane


Select the offer you want to send

Enter your friend’s email and click Ping


What happens next?

We’ll let your friend know that they have been Pinged an offer which they’ll have to accept within 10 days. If they don’t accept it in time, you will automatically get the offer back sent back to your account. If your friend is not an ENTERTAINER member, they’ll have to download the free App and register with the same email address you Pinged the offer to. They can only receive up to three offers before having to purchase their own product.

How many offers can you Ping?

You will have access to 10 Pings per account, that can be used to send offers to friends and family at any time during the product validity period.

Want to know some hot offers to share? Click here…

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