We’re stronger together – DONATE NOW and beat COVID-19 with us

It’s a trying time for all of us right now, with the country in total lockdown and many of us struggling to adjust to working from home. It has been heartwarming to see how the UAE has created ways for people to donate and we have banded together and proved that we’re stronger together in this fight against COVID-19.

With that being said, there is no better time to be thankful for what we do have. We can reflect upon those in our community that don’t have the luxury of a roof over their head or a salary at all.

We have been trying to think of a way to give back and support everyone the best way we can. That’s why we have been privileged enough to partner with Emirates Red Crescent to help raise funds for those in far less fortunate positions than ourselves.


If you’ve been wondering how to help others without leaving your house, then we are giving you the option to be a hero in your very own home. Staying home right now is the smartest and most heroic thing to do. But why not go the extra mile and donate to ‘Fund for UAE: the Homeland of Humanity‘.

Ramadan is the perfect time to donate to those less fortunate. The world pandemic has made this a trying time for everyone practising social distancing and Ramadan. If you need more help on how to manage both – click here

Support the fight against COVID-19

Order Home Delivery and Donate at the Same Time!

Next time your stomach growls and you’re thinking about what to order, you can scroll through our app and place your order. Then, at checkout, you can choose to donate your discount (2-for-1 or 25% off the total bill) straight to ‘Fund for UAE: the Homeland of Humanity‘.

IACAD License No. 2998

MOCD License No. 6/2020

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