5 Telltale Signs That Remind Us We’re Back In Dubai

The holidays are over (boo!), but it does mean we get to travel back to the divine desert we call home… Dubai of course! Long gone are the days of cooler temperatures and relaxing with the kids, but we do have to thank our fav city for the benefits it brings. And we’ve listed these 5 telltale signs below!

5 telltale signs that remind us we’re back in Dubai

#1 We can go back to having dinner next to the tallest building in the world

Yes, the beloved Burj Khalifa. Views for days. There’s no better way to take in the delights of the iconic tower, especially when getting to enjoy Italian cuisine at the likes of Serafina, while watching the fountains sway to the music.

#2 We don’t have to leave our apartment to buy groceries for dinner (or breakfast, lunch, snacks)

And thank goodness. Who would want to venture out into that heat anyway? We’d much prefer to use our ENTERTAINER to order NKD Pizza. (With all natural ingredients, it’s not nearly as naughty as some of the other takeaway options).

#3 The weekends come earlier – TGIT

No more waiting until Friday for the weekend, hooray for Thursdays! And what better way to celebrate than heading down to JBR for a glass of House Grape or two – Tribeca, we’re looking at you!

#4 We can hit the beach for some paddleboarding

And while we’re there, we can grab some refreshing fruity smoothies from Jamba Juice.

#5 We don’t even have to visit the salon to get pampered

That’s right. RE-Wheelz SPA @ Home Service allows us to sit back, relax and get preened tip to toe in the comfort of our own place. Couldn’t ask for much more, really.

So, although we often miss home, we do also have to grateful for everything we get to experience here. Especially when we can receive all the above 2 for 1 with our beloved App. We love you (most of the time), Dubai. And we thank you for allowing us to have fun! Do you have anything else to add to the 5 telltale signs that remind us we’re back in Dubai? Do share!

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